Our Purpose & Values Guide Our Actions and Decisions


  • Provide world leading business coaching (the how) from coaches who have achieved the results our clients desire.

  • Provide world leading transformational coaching and practices for upgrading entrepreneurs behaviours, intellect habits and actions (entrepreneurial self mastery).

  • To put the client's needs first - to be truthful (even when they don’t want to hear it), compassionate and truly caring for the client as a foundation of their business success.

  • To make easily available the principles, strategies (how) and mindset (foundations) required to build a self managed business so our clients have way more free time and money to live an extraordinary lifestyle - doing what they love.

  • To provide the long term full immersion support required to make changes.

  • Where feel totally safe (compassionate, non judgemental environment) to explore their personality, beliefs and behaviours and it’s impact on their business and life.

  • To ‘normalise’ and ‘spread’ truly transformative inner work that changes beliefs and behaviours or minimises their negative impacts developing positive outcomes (should be taught in schools to everyone everywhere - culminating in less suffering for self and others).

  • Create a business where it is fun, entertaining and enjoyable to learn, grow and build successful businesses.

  • To have a positive impact’ on the world as our clients become better wives, husbands, father mothers, sons, daughters, bosses and members of society - spreading the benefits of quality transformational inner work.

  • To only employ coaches who walk their talk and have personally achieved what they teach and coach (authenticity).

  • To only employ coaches whose joy and life purpose is to support others in their specialty.

  • To provide a working environment where employees work is rewarding emotionally.

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