Why John Canā€™t Pull the Trigger

Quote: "John’s endless checking wasn’t about accuracy; his subconscious feared making a wrong move."

Synopsis: John’s habit of endlessly checking his investment data wasn’t due to a need for accuracy but rather a deep-seated fear of making a wrong move. This constant doubt...

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Johnā€™s Hesitation: A Deeper Look

Quote: "John’s hesitation and procrastination was more than caution; his subconscious equated investment with peril."

Synopsis: John, a diligent investor, often found himself hesitating and procrastinating, which was more than just caution. His subconscious mind saw investing as a perilous...

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(Case Study) The Unfulfilled Professional: Subconscious Sabotage

Case Study: The Unfulfilled Professional

Scenario: Jane, a successful professional, was highly skilled in her career but felt deeply unfulfilled. She had a passion for counselling and helping others, but her family's expectations pushed her towards a more lucrative profession.


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(Case Study) The Misaligned Musician: Subconscious Sabotage

Case Study: The Misaligned Musician

Scenario: Tom, a naturally gifted musician, felt an intrinsic pull towards music. However, he grew up in a family that valued practical, secure careers over creative pursuits.

Subconscious Belief: Tom internalised the belief that pursuing music was impractical...

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(Case Study) The Repressed Artist: Subconscious Sabotage

Case Study: The Repressed Artist

Scenario: Sarah, an artist by nature, was highly creative from a young age. She loved painting, pottery, and sculpture work. However, she was born in the 1950s in Australia, a time when patriarchal Christian values dominated, often suppressing the feminine spirit....

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(Case Study) The Relationship Challenger Sabotage

Case Study: The Relationship Challenger

Scenario: Sarah desires a deeper, more meaningful relationship with her partner. Consciously, she engages in activities and conversations that promote intimacy and connection. However, she repeatedly finds herself picking fights and creating distance.


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(Case Study) The Business Owner in Debt: Mother-Related Subconscious Sabotage


Case Study: The Business Owner in Debt

Scenario: A well-known business owner appears to run a successful enterprise, but in reality, he is always in debt and struggles financially despite his intelligence and business acumen.

Subconscious Belief: His mother’s resentment towards men...

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(Case Study) The Business Owner in Debt: Father-Related Subconscious Sabotage

Case Study: The Business Owner in Debt

Scenario: A well-known business owner appears to run a successful enterprise, but in reality, he is always in debt and struggles financially despite his intelligence and business acumen.

Subconscious Belief: Growing up, this individual internalised the...

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Ep 2: Wealth Sabotage - Investor Case Study

Meet 2 investors who, without their knowledge, sabotaged wealth creation due to deeper subconscious desires that had other 'money' agendas. Notes From The Field, master intuitive and strategist Perry Mardon explores the hidden world of subconscious beliefs that shape our lives.

If you're...

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Case Study 1: The Hesitant Investor

Scenario: John, an investor, is eager to expand his portfolio with new properties. Consciously, John spends a lot of time researching and attending seminars on real estate investment. However, he never seems to pull the trigger on any deals.

Subconscious Belief: John grew up in a working-class...

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Ep 1: Hidden World OF Subconscious Belief System Sabotage (Case Study)

In this debut of Notes From The Field, master intuitive and strategist Perry Mardon explores the hidden world of subconscious beliefs that shape our lives.

Meet a business owner who appears successful—running a well-known business and exuding confidence—yet struggles with debt and...

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