FREE Download 'The Psychology of Freedom' Audio Interview with Perry Mardon

Escape the Rat Race - and live a life you LOVE - by learning how to NOT be a resource, instead control business and investing resources that generate wealth with very little involvement from you. This requires completely different thinking to the way 99% of people have been conditioned to think. Find out how to develop a psychology that supports freedom in this free audio.

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You have to think differently to the way you have been conditioned to think - if you want to escape the rat race!

Entrepreneur & RESULTS property mentor Brendan Kelly joins forces with human behaviour and business expert Perry Mardon to discuss the shifts in thinking and behaviour that absolutely must take place if you desire to become independently wealthy from business and investing - where your assets do the work for you.

In this audio you will discover that the biggest obstacle in the way of building real wealth through investing or business  is the 'worker mentality' that most of us have inherited as part of our culture.

You'll learn:

  • Why and how you have been conditioned from birth to be a 'good worker' or 'cog in the machine'... and how this thinking must be overcome if you really want to build real wealth (and have not just a 'good' life, but a great life).
  • How to NOT be a resource, but instead control resources that generate wealth.
  • and much much more..

Learn from those who have freedom.

Over the last 20 years Perry Mardon has ONLY set up businesses that can run profitably without him. As a result he has lived an enviable lifestyle with his family travelling all over the world surfing, living in other cultures and spending quality time with his family. This audio will help you undertand the different types of thinking and how they impact your ability to build a business or investing portfollio that will set you free from the rat race.