Learn Business Psychology To Rewire Your Brain For More Profit and Less Stress

And Discover The 3 Wealth Secrets Most Business Owners Wanting To Scale To 7-Figures Don’t Know

Dear Friend,

Several years ago, a business owner named Jane walked into my office and burst into tears.

She explained that a few days earlier, two of her hair stylists called in sick.

Because they called in last minute, Jane was forced her to run her hair salon alone.  As a result, she missed her son’s birthday party.  She was devastated.

She explained that this scenario (one where she missed out on family events) happened too often.  Deep down, she felt that staff took advantage of her generosity. They made up sob stories about why they would turn up 2 hours late or why they couldn’t work at all. She also felt guilty. Guilty that she slaved away for 60+ hours per week and couldn’t spend time with her kids or her husband. Her family began to resent her business. 

The business she started to give them a better life, was the same business that was destroying it.

That’s when she told me that she hired an “expert.” Someone that persuaded her to carry out weekly performance reviews on her staff. But she hated them. In fact, these meetings made Jane feel sick. She was the kind of person that valued “harmony” and “connection” above all else, so to discipline her staff felt un-authentic. 

So after we spent a few hours together, I gave Jane some ideas which she immediately implemented and within three weeks...her business was completely transformed.  Today she works less hours, spends more time with her family, earns more money and has an incredible team that are passionate and punctual.

The question is:
What made her struggling business thrive after so many years?

In a moment, you’ll discover the exact method that gives Jane (and thousands of business owners) the lifestyle of their dreams.  And you'll see why problems like overwhelm, cash flow, staff and systems, are mostly the symptom of a much deeper problem…

Plus, you’ll uncover the 3 wealth secrets you must internalise if you want abundant financial wealth.

But first, you're probably wondering… 

Hi, I’m Perry Mardon, an entrepreneur, TEDx speaker, father and the founder of Mardon International.

I help business owners wanting to scale to 7-figures (and beyond) to create a business that runs without them so that they can enjoy a life of freedom. 

And if that story connected with you, you’re not aloneHaving worked with thousands of business clients, these stories are all too common.

For the past 25 years, I’ve been a business coach and trainer. I’ve helped over 7000 entrepreneurs create financial freedom so they have more time for their families and passions.

My unique method has transformed the lives of fortune 500 executives, CEOs, managers, entrepreneurs, as well as undercover police officers, S.A.S soldiers, prostitutes, convicts and drug addicts.

In fact, two of my clients have won The Telstra Business Women Of The Year Award.

I’ve also built and automated 3 businesses to generate income without my input, that have given me and my family a lifestyle we can enjoy with plenty of time for each other, the opportunity to travel and the freedom to just enjoy life. 

My passion is to help you achieve the same.

In the previous story, Jane didn’t need more tactics, strategies or systems. She needed to adjust her psyche. She had psychological blocks that prevented her from generating wealth.

Sadly, like Jane, most entrepreneurs think they just need to fix some technical aspect to grow their business, but they don’t.

Why? Because strategies are worthless unless you embody the beliefs, habits and behaviours of 7-figure earners.

Skyscrapers need foundations just like entrepreneurs need unshakable minds.  You could construct a building with the finest steel frame, walls and concrete...but without a foundation, it will collapse into a pile of rubble.

Which brings me to…

The reason you struggle is because there’s a deep conflict in you. Your feelings of wealth, money and power are tangled in a complex web of contradictions.

See, you’re not actually just “one person”. You’re made up of several parts called sub-personalities.  And each of these parts have different values, beliefs and desires… all fighting for dominance.

It’s why you’re excited to build a business… but nervous to strike out on your own.  It’s why you’re motivated to invest… but worried about the risk. And it’s why you’re angry when staff members misbehave… but feel bad because you don’t want to hurt their feelings.

Those are just some of the ways your sub-personalities push you back and forward. Like waves that crash and roll in a mighty storm. To simplify these complex mental issues, we give them names like: the achiever, father, mother, entrepreneur, adventurer, perfectionist, people pleaser, creator, etc. Think of sub-personalities like miniature identities within yourself.

In fact, Carl Jung – one of the most famous psychiatrist of all time – is on board with this idea and a psychotherapist named Dr John Rowan  – one of the pioneers of humanistic psychology – suggests that you and I have about 12 sub-personalities within us.

So how can we get all personalities on the same page for optimal success?

Your brain is NOT wired for wealth.

Actually, when you look at the brain, it’s easy to see why your sub-personalities are always in conflict.

See, your brain is made up of three parts.

The human brain, the mammalian brain and the reptilian brain.

Let me explain...each of these brains developed at different times in history to improve our odds of survival. (With almost 500 million years of evolution between them!)

Our reptilian brain, one of the oldest parts, evolved for immediate gratification (to gather berries and run from lions). In other words, survival!

It did NOT evolve for long term and strategic wealth creation. When you attempt risky behaviour, like investing or growing a business, the primal part of the brain triggers "survival mode" and overrides your logical centres with worry, fear and loss. 

That’s why you’re often conflicted about what to do with your business or investments. And it's why you often sabotage your own success. 

Your sub-personalities can stir up emotions and pull you in different directions.

Luckily, you can…

Over the last 35 years, I’ve developed a fully immersive method to identify, surface and realign your sub-personalities, making profitability easier than ever.  This method has been field tested and refined with thousands of clients to create the most effective technology to automate time and financial freedom. 

It’s called... 

The M.A.R.D.O.N. Method.

The perfect balance of awareness, brain programming, discipline and sub-personality realignment.

And this method appears front and centre in my program called…

The Whole Brain Wealth Course is unlike anything you've ever seen Other courses try to change your behaviour and patterns on a CONSCIOUS level. They want you to “think” your way into a better self. But that doesn't work. 

On the other hand, The Whole Brain Wealth Course reprograms and realigns your sub-personalities on an UNCONSCIOUS level...where lasting and permanent change happens. 

This isn't theory, we have helped make this happen for thousands and thousands of entrepreneurs like you.  This is the only program in the world that takes the latest brain science, insights and transformational tools, to create a more powerful and profitable you. 

It's like being reborn, but this time around money and freedom just naturally come to you. 

Once you have an unshakable confidence around wealth and money, as a result of course, you'll...

  • Boost your revenue and enjoy more profit
  • Deploy gifted staff to run your business without you
  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Take exotic vacations around the world
  • Absorb yourself in passions and hobbies
  • Wake up whenever you want
  • Enjoy 100% control over your day
  • And so much more...



I'm not a fly-by-night bullshit marketer who peddles incredible results from a 60-second technique.

Let’s get real here: No meaningful transformation in life is quick or easy. It takes time, energy and real commitment. And deep down, you know that.

Your wealth patterns have been buried beneath your consciousness for 20, 30, maybe even 50 years, and you can’t fix that in an afternoon.

If you came here hoping for a quick and easy fix to your wealth problems, then I'm sorry, but I don't have the solution for you.

However, if you’re ready to commit one hour per day, then you will see results.


The Whole Brain Wealth Course

The course is split into two parts:

1) The intellectual development through education

2) The transformational daily practices

Part one consists of 7 educational modules that span over 7 weeks. Part two consists of daily practices where the real transformation happens. (Yes, that means you doing some work!)

In the 7 Modules You Get...

Module 1: Sub-Personalities and Wealth Patterns

Module 2: Building Observing Awareness, Your Shadow and Telling The Truth To Yourself

Module 3: Brainwave States and The Latest Brainwave Entrainment Technology To Rewire You For Change

Module 4: How Your Sub-Personalities Are Programmed

Module 5: Energy, Vibration and Energy Fields

Module 6: The Anti-Wealth Patterns Of The Working, Middle And Professional Classes

Module 7: How To Develop Wealth Consciousness

  • The method to pinpoint and realign the wealth blocks and sub-personalities that hold you back from making millions (module #2)
  • Why you might never achieve time freedom… even with a million dollars in your bank account (module #6)
  • For Women Only: The 7-word belief that caused a female investor to lose $6 million dollars 3 different times in her life! (Does this lurk in your unconscious too?) (module #2)
  • How to cleanse “wealth-destroying” patterns from your system without journaling or reflecting. This is the most hands-off strategy to transform on an unconscious level that I’ve ever seen. (module #3)
  • The single fastest way to reach your sales targets and KPIs without being a “tough boss”… this win-win solution is great if you hate conflict (module #1)
  • The 9 beliefs every self-made millionaire have… How many are you missing? (module #6)
  • Struggle to get client’s to pay your invoices? Here’s the 20-minute strategy that fixed an orthodontist’s overdue payments problem forever. (module #6)
  • The proven strategy to reduce fear and stress… MRI scans from a study at University of Pittsburgh concluded that the brain’s “fight or flight” amygdala shrunk as a results of this one thing. (module #2)
  • Why the temperature of your drink dramatically impacts the first impressions you leave on business associates… don’t be surprised if your sales improve with the shocking discovery from this double-blind scientific study (module #4)
  • How to make important financial decisions without emotions fogging your judgement… uncover the method a skeptical scientist used for 8 weeks, boosting his emotional regulation by 22.8%. This is vital if you want to trade and invest successfully. (module #3)
  • The simple pattern that shrunk the profits of an Australian education business to near zero and how to reprogram this thought in yourself (module #2)
  • How to eliminate your inner perfectionist and control freak (module #7)
  • The dark secret of democracy: Your beliefs may not be your own. Discover how a 19th century Austrian shaped the beginnings of an “invisible government” in America. (And no, this is NOT some conspiracy theory rubbish!) (module #3)
  • Are you plagued by “employee” thinking? … uncover 5 places where anti-wealth ideas infect your thinking and keep you chained to the “employee mindset.” (module #6)
  • Does the ‘law of attraction’ really work? You’ll discover the backstage insights I got from sharing the stage with speakers of “The Secret”. (module #5)
  • How “high beta” brainwaves eat away at your memories and how to avoid it… protect the business knowledge you’ve learnt over decades (module #1)
  • The single most costly mistake investors make… don’t be surprised if you lose 6-figure investments if you ignore this one thing. (module #6)
  • The 7 behaviours of the wealthy elite… Be warned, you will never scale a business to 8-figures without ALL of these traits (module #6)
  • Procrastinate too much? Discover how the little-known “puppet master” drives this frustrating behaviour deep inside you.  (module #6)
  • 3 patterns that hold people back from true wealth creation… Most people have 2 of them. (module #5)
  • The Great Debate: You must hang out with wealthy people to become rich – true or false? In Module #6 you’ll uncover the truth on this long debated question once and for all.

Let me ask you:

"What’s a 7-figure business – one that operates on its own – worth to you?"

A business that gives you freedom to spend time with your family and on your passions.

Most people would say this is PRICELESS.

To realign your sub-personalities and remove the self sabotaging wealth patterns from your mind is the single best investment you can make in your business. Especially when you consider that people commit the same destructive patterns for most of their lives.

Let’s make a quick comparison: If you hired me personally to remove your wealth blocks and realign your sub-personalities, you’d pay $2,400 for three hours.

However, I've boiled down the steps from my one-on-one consultations into an easy-to-follow method. That means you follow the steps from the comfort of your home at your own pace. And because it’s all pre-recorded, you won't pay anywhere near a few hours of consulting.
It’s not $1200. Nor will you pay $600.


In fact, your entire investment for The Whole Brain Wealth Course is only $297!

And when you take action today…

You'll Also Get 3 Amazing Bonuses!

"Time Management & Productivity Secrets Of Superstar Investors & Entrepreneurs" 240-page eBook training (value $150)

Successful entrepreneurs use time completely differently to business owners who become slaves to their business. Inside this course, you’ll uncover the true productivity problems in your business and how to make more money and how to get more done quicker. Inside you’ll discover…

  • Why you should NEVER start at the top of your to do list and what to do instead p147
  • The complete guide to procrastination: use this 10-point checklist to discover the root cause and move your business forward p 207
  • How to trick your brain to feel excited and motivated when you have to complete boring tasks in your business p41
  • How to stay in your Highest Dollar Productive Zones (HDPZ) for long periods without getting distracted, unmotivated or tired. P63
  • 7 destructive sub-personalities that stop most business owners from delegating tasks and what to do about it p178-193
  • The “covert” test that reveals whether new staff members are responsible, dedicated, willing, committed and time focused p216
  • The TRAF system to organise your emails quickly and easily… free up hours of your week for more productive task p161
  • Fact: You must know your highest values if you want your business to be more productive. Page 12 reveals the 5-minute method to gain a deep understanding of your life values.
  • How to keep your staff in their most productive zones at all times… use this to run your business like a well-oiled machine p212
  • The "HDPA hierarchy” to create more productive staff without burning them out. … don’t be surprised if your profits soar after you implement this. p211
  • The 10-step system to effectively delegate tasks to staff and contractors without the need to micromanage or repeat your instructions p120
  • 5 ways to make your workspace more uplifting and inspiring for workers and yourself p134

And that’s not all. You’ll also get…

"Winning Business Models: How To Grow Faster While Working Less" online video course valued at $150

Some business models trap you inside your business, while others give you passive (or semi passive) wealth and an abundance of free time. Sadly, many business owners and investors don’t understand how to evaluate and choose the correct business models.

In fact, it’s the number #1 reason people struggle and end up broke instead of wealthy and free. Inside this training you’ll discover…

  • The 7 business models that generate high profits and without your constant input. The models cover industries like education, retail, services and more. (30m - 35m)
  • The 3-Point Business Model Checklist to create a multi-million dollar company without being overworked, underpaid or burnt out… Which of these is your business missing? (6m 45s)
  • How an ice cream shop owner generates a 6-figure passive income with 5 hours of work per week… this 4-word phrase is the secret to his success. (20m 53s)
  • The most profitable activity you can do in your business… spend at least 50% of your time on this or your profits will wither away. Hint: it’s not creating new products or services. (26m 37s)
  • The 6 freedom principles my colleague used to build a business that runs without him… now he sails around the world instead (25m 38s)
  • The exit strategy mistake most business owners make… commit this sin and investors will pay very little for your company (29m 50s)
  • The “mini me” model that creates passive income in your retail or service-based business (32m 03s)
  • Want to build a lucrative coaching or consulting business? Discover the cash flow road map to generate quick sales and build your intellectual property at the same time (47m 25s)
  • Wearing too many hats in your business? Not growing fast enough? Discover the two-word psychology bottleneck that holds you back. (54m 51s)

"The Psychology of Freedom" audio course valued at $49

Most entrepreneurs are conditioned to be 'good workers' and 'cogs in the machine’… even if they run their own business. Inside “The Psychology of Freedom”, you’ll learn how to flip this destructive thinking.  Inside you’ll discover…

  • Why trying to “save money” actually hurts your profits and what to do instead.
  • How to avoid being a resource and learn how to control resources that generate wealth with very little involvement from you.
  • The “mental maps” you need to escape the rat race and live the life you love. (Only the ultra-rich possess these traits.)
  • The Time Freedom Test: Discover how to slash 10, 20, even 30 hours of slaving away in your business with this simple 6 word question.
  • Your Highest Productive Zone as an entrepreneur is NOT sales, marketing or new product creation. It’s a simple 8 letter word. This answer may surprise you.
  • The Property Wealth Secret: “You can delegate every function of property investing out to someone else. Except one.”
  • How parents and the school system smother your chances of wealth creation and what to do instead

Together, these three bonuses on their own are worth $349.

That’s more than the value of the entire Whole Brain Wealth Course!

And yet, they’re all yours free.

And best of all, you don’t have to decide today...

...because you get my 60-Day Double Your Money Back Guarantee!

I’m so confident that you’ll transform your finances with the Whole Brain Wealth Course that I’m willing to put my own money on the line.

You get a 60-day double your money back guarantee.

Here’s how it works:

Complete the 7 weekly modules and the daily practice work, and  track your results in a journal each day during the course.

Within 60 days, if you haven't achieved the results we promised, simply email us with your journal entries, and we’ll gladly give you double your money back.

There is no risk with this offer. You either transform your psychological blocks or MAKE double your money. It’s a win-win situation.

In fact, the risk is on me to prove these results to YOU.

Right now you have a choice.

Continue to read books and courses with shallow, surface-level solutions…

Or commit to The Whole Brain Wealth Course and transform the underlying root causes that prevent you (and your family) from enjoying the life you deserve.

Simply ‘test drive’ my method for 60-days and let the results speak for themselves.

In the worst case, you double your investment and pocket an extra $81 just for giving it a try. 

So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

Click the order button below and change your financial future now.

But before we get into that, let’s talk about the 3 secrets you must understand to generate true financial freedom.

"Nothing changes until you fix your wealth blocks. The Whole Brain Wealth Course untangles the self-sabotaging patterns you’ve held onto for 20+ years. As a result, your mind will feel certain and confident to build a successful business that runs without you… even if you’ve tried everything before and failed.

However, this course is NOT for everyone. If you came here for a quick fix to your wealth problems, then please look elsewhere. However, if you’re ready to commit one hour per day to see permanent change, then you will see results.

In fact, you’re protected by a 60-day double your money back guarantee. If you haven’t noticed a dramatic transformation in your psychological blocks within 60 days, email us with your completed journal entries and we'll give you double your money back. 

When you test drive the course today, you also get three bonuses valued at $349. Even if you decide that The Whole Brain Wealth Course isn’t for you, you get to keep these three bonuses as a thank you gift."   Perry Mardon

Click the order button below now to get immediate access to the complete 7-module course and all 3 bonuses... and secure your financial future today!


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