Personal Update from

My dear friends, as many of you may know, I have relinquished running Ignite Program for commercial reasons.

My time is now consumed by other business ventures. However, my programs - the very same ones that have touched countless lives, transformed relationships, got people into purpose, resolved emotional issues and propelled businesses  and investors towards unprecedented success - remain available to all.

Why, you may ask? The answer is simple, my dear reader. If you have been a witness to my work, then you know the immense impact it can have. It is authentic, raw, and has the power to propel individuals towards a life of self-actualization and self-mastery.

It would be a grave disservice to withhold this knowledge from those who seek it.

Unlike those gurus on the internet, who peddle fleeting moments of happiness through dopamine spikes, we offer something far greater - true transformation.

It may not be a pill that is easy to swallow, but for those who are truly committed to a better life, it is the only remedy.

And so, with a clear conscience and a heart full of compassion, I have made my programs accessible to all, at a price that anyone can afford.

If you find yourself drawn to our teachings, then I implore you to share them with others. For this is not a business venture, but rather, an act of service, but it must pay itΕ› way - a way to spread the light of knowledge and hope to those who need it most.

Enjoy our Ignite at a great  price. Check out the details below. 

In Prosperity 
Perry Mardon


Ignite Mastery Program

An extraordinary ongoing mentoring program dedicated to creating the results you desire, removing blocks and releasing your full potential, increasing self-mastery, allowing you to perform at your best in any part of life you choose...GUARANTEED!

JOIN NOW! chevron_right

A unique and transformative opportunity awaits…this is your invitation to join us for the exclusive, Ongoing Ignite Mastery Program where we will help you and other high-achievers increase your capacity for achieving lifelong goals, self-mastery and self-actualisation.

It’s for those that want to live an extraordinary life!

You can have it all - the wealth, relationships, self-esteem, lifestyle, business, career and sense of purpose you dream of.

Perry Mardon and his highly-trained team help you identify your particular stumbling blocks and replace them with building blocks...replacing self-defeating behaviour with goal-producing behaviour... eliminating negative influences...taking on dream-building behaviours...getting rid of toxic habits...rediscovering the passion and joy that make everything possible in any area of life you choose!


From Perry Mardon.

Before you read about the amazing Ignite Mastery Program let me explain a little about my life and why I love this transformative work, why I am excited about the results you will achieve, and the whole concept of teaching my clients like you via the Ignite program.

Many years ago after reading all the books and struggling on my own for most of my early life I took what at that time was considered a drastic step by my peers and social circle. To help me make faster progress with my violent nature, poor health, suffering relationship, career, and money challenges I was facing, I sought out a teacher.

That step turned out to be one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. You see my teacher was wiser than me, he never judged me, and seemed to be able to see right inside me and identify what parts of my mind stopped me achieving the fulfilment and success I so desperately wanted.

My teacher knew how to ‘fine tune’ me, and could identify the exact tools I needed at particular times on my challenging path. But more importantly my teacher had successfully travelled the path that I was trying to travel and because of that he was an amazing guide.

And guess who had helped my teacher? That’s right; his teacher. To this day I am still involved with my original teacher. In complete honesty I can tell you that without their help I could never have navigated the path to my success. It would have been too hard and the journey too overwhelming and unfathomable. You see I believe it is impossible to change without the correct guidance and help from the right people. PEOPLE WHO ARE LIVING EXAMPLES of their good work. Who understand and have mastered the highways and byways of their own psyches.


And this is why I run the Ignite Mastery Coaching Program, to help others improve their lives, step into their passions, self actualise, develop self mastery improve their love relationships, make greater profit, become more loving powerful, loving and wise. THE WORLD CERTAINLY NEEDS PEOPLE LIKE THIS.


What People Are Saying

stars stars stars stars stars

"I Have restructured my business so it is much more profitable and scalable. I do a lot less and I am much happier"

Anthea Cahill,
Real Chai, Canberra, Australia
stars stars stars stars stars

"From working 70 hours a week running one franchise to 20 hours a week running 4 franchise - the systems and recruitment process makes the difference!"

David Hand,
Diamond Inc
stars stars stars stars stars

"I've just earned more than I've every earnt before... And in just five months I've made more than more than my Annual Salary last year!"

Samantha Marshall,
Real Estate Agent
stars stars stars stars stars

"I Went from Paranoid About Speaking To Groups... To Becoming A Professional Speaker, Speaking To Thousands Of People Every Year!"

Dr Wayne Picksone,
Health Practioner
stars stars stars stars stars

"As a result of working with Perry - I have doubled, then re-doubled what I charge for my marketing services."

John Anderson,
Freedom 360
stars stars stars stars stars

"From Working 60 Hours A Week And Struggling To Get By Financially, I Now Work 2 Days A Week And My Staff Run My Business With Ease!"

Jo Thompson,
Bn2 Health
stars stars stars stars stars

"I used to work 80 hours a week... within 3 months I'm working 20 hours a week and earning 2 times my earlier income."

April Absalom,
Tease Me Hair Culture, Broadbeach Qld
stars stars stars stars stars

"In the first year working with Perry, by adjusting my team and how I worked, we made an extra $250,000 profit and I worked less than ever to achieve that!"

Thor Diesendorf,
CEO Thor's Hammer
stars stars stars stars stars

"This program has helped me regain my lost passion and had revived me back to a far happier and dedicated person."

Brett Healy,
Gold Coast, Queensland

You Can't Do It On Your Own.

In the East everyone knew it was impossible to master any subject or talent without the teacher. But here in the West people try and go it alone; neglecting to understand that it’s almost impossible to change without help from someone who knows the way and is a true expert in the workings of the mind, the psyche and business. To change you need constant reinforcement in the ways of change – you need this reinforcement until the process itself is your habit and then you don’t need the teacher any more.

The Ignite Mastery Program is designed with this end in mind and it is why it is an ongoing full immersion experience. The more you are involved in this Ignite Program the better the results you achieve and the greater the inner transformation.

Yes this type of information is unfashionable in an age of quick fixes, and instant gratification. But nevertheless what I am saying is the truth. The old Chinese Martial Artists knew this and a student apprenticed themselves to a teacher for years before they had the skill to become a black belt. Constant reinforcement from a teacher who knows the way is the only way. Read on to find out more about the Ignite Mastery Program benefits and how it works.

In love, purpose and prosperity - Perry Mardon


Hear what Anthea has to say about relationship improvements as a result of the program.



Deep Fulfilment, Life Dreams & Goal Achievement

Ignite Mastery is all about self- mastery, self-actualisation and creating a life you love. 



Self-actualisation, noun: self-actualisation the realisation or fulfilment of one's talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone. Definition from Oxford Languages


Self-mastery, noun, self-control, superiority or victory through mastery over self. the act of mastering, expert skill or knowledge. The state of being master; power of command or control over one's psychology. Definition from Oxford Languages

Our Clients Win Awards


Each of us was born with tremendous potential to achieve high levels of success and fulfilment in any area of life we choose... including financial wealth, relationships, self- esteem, lifestyle, business, career and a sense of purpose you dream of. Unfortunately, for most, our potential destiny becomes an unfulfilled dream.

Why? It’s primarily due to our inability to ‘live out’ our true potential, mainly because of behaviour patterns that hold us back or undermine us. Like Gulliver, in the story of Gulliver’s Travels, who could not access his personal power because the little people had tied him up, through our life we unknowingly “tie ourselves up” with behaviours and beliefs that keep us from accessing our potential.

In short we become “stuck” in our past habits.

Through The Ignite Mastery Program, you are able to “revise, reconstruct, transform” those patterns of behaviour and replace them with life enhancing behaviours and habits that support goals in any area of life that you choose.



Inspiring Relationships

Business Success

Investing Success


Leadership Mastery

Career Fulfillment

Living In Purpose

Mental Emotional Wellness

Spiritual Growth


Health, Energy & Vitality


The Ignite Mastery Program  is  dedicated to giving you cutting-edge solutions to the issues and challenges that stand between you and your dreams.

JOIN NOW! chevron_right


This Experiential Program Full Immersion is unlike any event you have been fact magic happens in the program


When you join the Ignite Mastery Program you are making a deep agreement with us to help you evolve towards your goals, move past unwanted patterns and into your purpose and passion. We meet this agreement with total integrity to support you in that change. To this end we work to keep you honest and accountable regarding your patterns and your β€˜real’ heartfelt goals and dreams.

Working together with the constant weekly interaction and the support processes and network sets up a strong transformational momentum and emotional energy that you just can’t get without this level of support and interaction.

Working together in this way creates magic!

We don't treat our time together as a lecture, we roll our sleeves up and get right amongst it, deep into the trenches and side alleys of the mind....nothing hidden, all revealed - every little success-destroying mind gremlin exposed. It’s jaw dropping when Perry does his reading thing at full voltage – it’s the missing link for many achievers. We won’t lie to you, it can be intense when you are working one-to-one with Perry. You may cry, you may get angry; you may feel exceptional joy and will have profound breakthrough experiences. You see, Ignite Mastery was never designed for the domestic market. This event is designed for Achievers who desire to break the chains of their re-occurring patterns that lock them into receiving the same results… over and over again.

Perry will be as straight as he would be with all his highly, successful clients… designed purposely to break through the whinge-barrier of your current life to reach the richer world beyond. Become who you were born to become and create the results you truly desire- as a result of freeing yourself from the shackles of your conditioning and employing powerful strategies and a creative orientation only used by the most successful fulfilled people.


Hear what Anthea has to say about financial improvements as a result of the program.

JOIN NOW! chevron_right

The Results YOU can expect….


Clients of  Ignite Mastery report vastly improved results in their private lives, renewed vitality and passion, business successes, saved marriages, improved family life, feelings of confidence and greatly improved net worth.


Clients often say that this program should be a mandatory part of everyone’s life education.


Maximise your potential and live your life to the fullest.


Become open-hearted and experience REAL self-esteem based on intrinsic value, not external validation!


Improve relationships.


Achieve results in all areas of life that deeply fulfil you (unhampered by pesky beliefs and sabotaging sub-personality patterns).


Change behaviours permanently at the unconscious level.


Achieve goals that have previously eluded you.


Access more of your talents, higher intelligence and permanently awaken intuition - a by-product of doing this work.


Develop wealth and a career or business based on your purpose.


Set your children up for the greatest chances of success (when you step into your power and overcome your sabotages this orientation gets passed onto your children). Gain even more amazing insight into yourself.

What People Are Saying

stars stars stars stars stars

"This Program has helped me regain my lost passion and had revived me back to a far happier and dedicated person."

Brett Healy
Gold Coast, Queensland
stars stars stars stars stars

"I went from being paranoid of speaking to groups to becoming a professional speaker who speaks to thousands of people a year"

Wayne Pickstone,
Hervey Bay, Queensland, Business Owner
stars stars stars stars stars

"Transformed my family relationships & Developed strong leaderships skills that allowed me to create higher levels of passive income."

Russell Bailey,
Sunshine Coast Queensland

Why This Program Is Different!


Identification of unconscious patterns and blind spots

No other program can give you this level of personal insight, guidance, breakthroughs and fine-tuning.

What makes The Mardon Team’s work truly unique is their people reading skills - a lightning-fast, accurate ability to - 1. help you identify and transform your unconscious patterns and blind spots that keep you from reaching your goals and greatest potential, and 2. connect you to your heart’s path (bringing you back into alignment).

This saves you years of wasted time and money working with coaches, trainers and facilitators who cannot see your unconscious patterns. It speeds up the time it takes to create an extraordinary lifestyle.

In fact, you are taking a great risk when you work with coaches and trainers who can’t see your unconscious patterns. They are well-meaning, but they are operating blind and this costs you money and time.


Small Numbers

The Ignite Mastery Program is limited to 40 people per group – lately it seems like almost anyone can (and does) call themselves a coach.

They give seminars for hundreds of people and may even offer conference calls with dozens of participants. Lots of generic questions are asked, but are they your specific questions?

And, with no time for in-depth answers or follow-up, when it’s over, you’re on your own again.

The Ignite Mastery Program is purposely kept small and, over the course of the program, your specific needs are assessed by Perry and the Mardon depth!

Since no two people or situations are the same, solutions are never one -size - fits-all.

The Mardon Team provide fine-tuning and solutions for you, with your particular challenges in mind. You get the personal attention you need to make a quantum leap in goal achievement and self-satisfaction!


Permanent Change

The Ignite Mastery Program is specifically designed to help you at the deepest level where real and permanent change takes place.

You’ve probably read dozens of books, and listened to hours upon hours of audios. You’ve gone to the motivational seminars that give you a quick boost (which fades just as quickly). You’ve searched out the latest “power tools” (which don’t have any staying power). You may know what to do, but do you always do it?

What is it that makes some people wildly successful and others less so... even though they’ve all been exposed to the same tools, techniques, and tactics?

Self-mastery makes the difference. It occurs at a level you can’t get to on your own. And let’s face it, whether you’re in a car listening to tapes, or in a seminar with hundreds of others, you’re alone if you’re not getting personal attention.

Perry Mardon, his team, and the intensive peer support, feedback, and mentoring you get provide the crucial distinctions and behavioural changes that make all the difference!


Learning that will support you for a lifetime

The Ignite Mastery Program is an investment that will support you for a lifetime. The processes, approach and habits you master in Ignite will support your ability to reach goals and live a more fulfilling, wiser life for the rest of your days.

Clients that did this work 15 to 20 years ago still email to say how much it has impacted their entire life in all areas; the common phrase is, how do people live fulfilling lives without this information?

You are learning the inner work practices that will serve you and your family for a lifetime. You are learning the creative orientation of all great creators.

You will learn more about human behaviour, and how you tick, and develop deep levels of self mastery, self actualising your greatest gifts and strengths into this world.


Future Generations

If you are a parent or plan to be a parent, this program is a gift to your children. This work has many positive impacts on family dynamics, but notably you are stopping dysfunctional patterns being passed on to your children.

One of the reasons Perry Mardon sought to do such deep, quality inner work was due to his love for his children and his desire to not pass on counterproductive behaviours.

And due to your massive increase in intelligence and understanding of human behaviour you will make far better parenting decisions and build less reactive relationships with your children (and other family members).


Total Support

By far the most important aspect of this program is the constant and ongoing connection with the facilitators and Perry’s unique body of work.

Working with the Mardon Team week in and week out over the long term provides an amazing platform that holds you in the transformational process (you simply can’t be in this environment and not transform).

To this end the facilitators become the agitator and pattern interrupter who won’t let you go unconscious and fall back into old life and business-destroying behaviours.


Hear why Wes  believes working with Perry in the program makes such a difference for business owners and in life.


A Unique Opportunity To Fast Track Your

Transformation, Self Actualisation & Self Mastery.

If you haven't already worked it out, Perry has something deeply interesting going on besides being a gifted business strategist who has helped hundreds of business owners (and investors) get way more profit and free time. Being guided by Perry gets you exclusive access to superpowers to help your transformational journey.

Perry can read you, on about a hundred different levels - that goes beyond logic - and it is always spot on, revelatory, and speeds up your evolution as an entrepreneur, investor, mum, dad, son, daughter, human being.

Because of this, He is in a truly unique and advantageous position to be able to help you achieve your goals, breakthroughs, transformations, etc much FASTER than other coaches.

He sees instantly what you don't see in yourself (maybe even hide from yourself), what must be identified and transformed for you to reach your goals, get unstuck, unblocked, up-level past a plateau, and come into alignment with your souls blueprint - your self actualisation path.

As one of Perry's clients states - 'Other coaches see and can only work with what you show them. Perry sees what you don't show them or yourself' but that must be highlighted for true transformation, breakthroughs, getting unstuck, up-levelling past plateaus to happen in your life, business, relationships, or wherever else you are not self-actualising you're greatest potentials. As a member of Ignite Perry will guide you in a way that no other coach, consultant, or evenly the most highly trained professional can!


Listen To Chad View Of Perry's People Reading Abilities.


Listen to Vanessa's Amazement At What Perry Knew About Her Almost Instantly.


Hear what Jo Thompson achieved within 3 months of starting the program.


Very informative information from Robyn on the life changing benefits of Ignite & how it changes you from the unconscious level.


Listen to Terri discuss the MULTIPLE benefits of Ignite Program - Business, Relationships, Purpose.


Listen to Louise, who built a multi-million dollar business as a single mom from her kitchen table.


Best value education in the marketplace

Other training programs of this calibre in the marketplace will cost you thousands of dollars more than the special workshop price we are offering you here today.

In fact, many of these trainers charge between 3 to 5 times more than the price of our  program BUT they only provide 2 day trainings!

YOUR results are OUR we do our utmost to ensure our programs are run to give you the best chance at success in whatever area of life or business is most important to you.

We are NOT like SOME other facilitators or coaches who like to take your money, run a two-day seminar and then run off into the sunset, leaving you highly motivated but with no support! .

JOIN NOW! chevron_right

Without consistent ongoing interaction with an expert teacher you will...


Succumb to the power of the world mind which is neither intelligent, wise, loving, smart or evolved for the most paths. Living in mistruths and enabling sabotage patterns and limiting self mastery, self actualisation and depth of fulfilment in life.


You will tend to forget to put most of your energy into creating a life that matters to you, a life that gives you juice, doing what you love for a living, make great profit, have exotic holidays, living your dream, becoming more loving, powerful, wise and full of love for self and others.


You will be constantly drawn back to your deepest limiting habits and behaviours.


Stop seeing the hidden sabotage patterns hidden in your unconscious mind on a moment to moment basis – you will slip into unconscious behaviours easily. Without identifying these you will never create success in the area of your life corresponding to that sabotage pattern (no matter how hard you try).


Have a tendency to want to avoid the tasks that could make a massive difference to the results you achieve. When you don’t have a teacher you ALWAYS get away with these excuses and avoid the real reason you didn’t do the task. Find it easy to abort your attempts at success, lose sight of your vision, get stuck in a rut or even give up when you become overwhelmed by everyday life/business or are emotionally challenged.


Be unable to see the very thing that needs to be changed to create the outstanding result you want. Why? You are to close to yourself and can not see clearly what a highly intuitive teacher like Perry can see with ease. For this reason the very best sport people have coaches to help them with their techniques.




Success Stories

Look At The Results Our Clients Have Achieved:



No person has ever worked with Perry Mardon for a period of 6 months or more without it being a powerful life and business transforming experience.

Perry works where it matters, deep within your mind, at the level where real and permanent change takes place.

However there is no risk to you - as you will see below; we provide multiple no risk to you money back guarantee and NO locked in contracts.

Open Book Policy

We run an open book policy - we KNOW how powerful Perry Mardon's work is. We give you access to any client past or present. Just call us or email us if you want to talk or email our clients to get their views on Perry Mardon's mentoring.

JOIN NOW! chevron_right

Keep Your Breakthroughs Private

In our continuous pursuit of excellence, we have restructured Ignite to offer a new approach that ensures your privacy and still delivers the profound breakthroughs and transformations that you seek.

We understand that opening up and sharing personal struggles can be daunting, especially when working with high-profile individuals.

That's why we have designed our program around games, exercises, and processes that allow you to experience deep inner work without the need to share anything publicly with others in the group.

Our approach enables you to refer friends and colleagues to the program without any fear of compromising your privacy.

You can rest assured that your personal struggles and challenges are kept strictly confidential.

Of course, some participants choose to share their experiences with the group, and we fully support this.

The interaction between members enriches the overall learning experience and provides valuable insights for all.

Ignite is not just another self-help program. It's a sanctuary for individuals committed to personal growth and transformation.

Our new approach ensures that everyone can fully participate and benefit from the program, regardless of their personal circumstances. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and experience the transformative power of Ignite.

Check out Robyn's Experience, Multiple Benefits, and Results Through All Areas of Business & Life.  

This is a longer video, but it is packed full of insights about the program and what you learn. 


“I’ve come a huge way personally but also from a business perspective as well.” – Louise Fowler


“There’s this incredible sense of transformation unfolding.” – Terri Nicholson


You Are In Very Safe & 

VERY Experienced Hands.

Perry has seen it all; having worked with every type of human. From those that are considered the most dangerous to exemplars and heads of their fields of industry.

He has coached, advised, and consulted to:


3 Telstra Business Women of the Year (multiple winners and finalists).


Over 50 CEOs and C Suite executives from fortune 500 companies.


Business and investor royalty worldwide.


Traumatised SAS soldiers, undercover detectives, police officers, and Vietnam vets with deep traumas and PTSD.


Criminals, street kids, gang members, rapists, prostitutes, pedophiles, drug addicts, and alcoholics.


Rape victims, abused, sexually abused, and pedophile victims.


Hundreds of people on career/purpose alignment.


Ran hundreds of relationship training and coaching sessions with couples and individuals.


Spoke to over 10,000 people as a business trainer, personal development trainer, or spiritual development trainer.


Developed his own psychometric profiling and recruitment systems that have been used by business owners worldwide for hiring exceptional staff.


Developed 9 training programs, 10 workbooks, and over 300 hours of video and audio training.


Has been head business/investing trainer for Results Mentoring, Worldwide Salon Marketing, Action International, Wella plus too many more to mention - Focusing on developing the IP and psychology for building business owners out of their business.


Over 65 clients who have built themselves out of their businesses and 100s more who work less and make more from my IP.


Hear what Akbar Sheik Has To Say About Working With Perry.

Akbar Sheikh is a #1 international best-selling author, speaker, master of the 7 Ethical Principles of Persuasion, has helped 5 funnels hit 7 figures, father, and philanthropist with a concentration on orphans and giving the gift of vision to blind children..


What You Get.


Weekly Group Sessions With Perry 

  • Weekly 1 to 1.5 hour session, on Monday, full of games, processes and exercises designed to give you breakthroughs, transformation and increased self mastery at 12.30pm AEDT or AEST (winter).

  • Recording added to the group page for those that can’t attend live.

  • Fun homework that does not take too much time. Homework reinforces what you learn at each session.

  • Training books, videos, and audios, apps to work through in your own time.


Online App – The awakening Process!

Recognise your different sub-personalities and how they affect your daily life! Learn to build observing awareness. Understand their impact on your ability to create the results you want – every time! Discover the Sub-Personalities that hold your purpose, mojo, and best life path. Set the goals for a ‘new’ you! This app is where you document your excavation of self, where every sub-personality is logged and accounted for. Where your insight and transformation takes on an accelerated  and multiplied focus.


There is a BONUS option for business owners, investors and property developers!

  • Every Wednesday, between 12.30 and 1.30 pm AEDT or AEST (winter) we run a strategy session for business owners and investors. Perry’s strategic insights are gold to business people, investors and property developers.

  • PLUS. Everything else in the Ignite Mastery Program.

  • Plus every bit of IP, training, recruitment resources, blueprints to build a successful more passively owned business of any kind including property development businesses. This IP was last valued at $500,000 for sellable purposes by independent accountants. 


  • He has coached Telstra Award winners and finalists, helped over 65 business owners exit the day-to-day operations and build more passively owned businesses.

  • Is, and has been the advisor and sounding board to many of Australia's leading property development groups.

  • Involved in strategic analysis, and people profiling (negotiations) for mergers and acquisitions with some of Australia's aggressively growing companies.

  • This is a fun and lively session that upgrades everyone's strategic thinking and money making abilities. This is how you get access to perry’s strategic thinking brain WITHOUT paying the big bucks his private clients pay him.

What People Are Saying

stars stars stars stars stars

"Ignite has been completely life changing for me, in every area of my life. It's wise information. It's fantastic work, and also Perry is quite funny, and down-to-earth, as well. There's a lot of acceptance, a lot of love, a lot of connection between people. It's been a fantastic experience that I will always be grateful for."

Amanda Boyce
Gold Coast
stars stars stars stars stars

"I was struggling with my moods, health and my relationships. Ignite absolutely changed my relationships for the better. I am not reactive, and an interesting side benefit happened - Health issues (rashes, eczema, chronic fatigue) now under control and improved by 80%"

Melissa Heron,
presenter, model, yoga teacher, health practitioner
stars stars stars stars stars

"10/10 It is single-handedly the most powerful self development learning I have ever had in my life. I don't think I could speak highly enough of this man, this program and the work he does with you. Perry can identify your sabotages at the drop of a hat and the training is incredible and professional! Everything in my life has changed for the better, my relationships, my business is my purpose, my sense of self. "

Gabrielle Denman
stars stars stars stars stars

"My life was in shambles 6 months ago. I have lost weight (and kept it off), put myself on stage and became the princess that was always there but not allowed to shine. I have improved my relationships with people and feel more comfortable in my own skin."

Robyn Weston

Some of Our Satisfied Leaders


Is This For You?

And Your Guarantee it Will Work!

Perry’s programs are designed to help you create a life that you love, one that gives you fulfilment and all that you desire from your relationships – financially, emotionally and spiritually. You can have it all. But not by doing what you’ve always done! Doing what you’ve always done will only get you what you’ve always got. If you are ready to leave behind the ordinary … increase your financial wealth – and your quality of life … then you are ready to join us in Ignite Program.


#1 NO RISK TO YOU -Money Back Guarantee If at the end of your forth session you decide you do not want to continue, just tell us before you leave the session and we will refund the 4 weeks of payments straight away. It is important that you are very happy in the program.



Create any desired result in any area of life or business.


Move beyond comfort zones, rediscover passion, use inner assets and realise tangible, life-changing results.


Develop self mastery, have more fun, be far happier, control emotions.


Self actualise your gifts, purpose and potentials into this world.


Transform unconscious stumbling blocks - turning them into building blocks.


Learn more about yourself, human behaviour and self optimisation than you can anywhere else.


Achieve important financial goals, relationship goals, business goals, health goals etc


Undo the subtle and unconscious obstacles and habits, which can keep even top achievers from fulfilling their highest potential.


Harness the extraordinary superpowers of the mind.






#3 Talk To Any Present Or Past Client If You Want To Learn More (Just Ask)




If at any time you want out of the program, for whatever reason, you can leave and all remaining payments will be stopped...or returned.

No-one else, running this type of immersive  training offers this - but we do.

Why? Because in 25 years we have only had 3 clients leave the program - and that is because they weren't suitable. This is unheard of in this industry, it is an amazing stick rate that we are immensely proud of.

Your Investment?

We TAKE ALL RISK. No Locked in contracts, No large fees, If we don’t deliver we lose you - the risk of delivery is on us.
Keeping the program affordable is important to Perry, and we are committed to making it accessible to as many people as possible.

You would typically pay over $20,000 for a program of this length, calibre and depth with a facilitator of Perry's calibre, insight and experience.

We keep our prices affordable so no one is excluded from this powerful work. Perry Mardon makes his income elsewhere, from his other businesses, equity partnerships and private coaching of business owners and property developers.

The Ignite will be kept at a price that allows everyone, regardless of life situation or finances to participate.

You don’t pay $200 a week. You don’t pay $97 a week.

We suggest a payment of $60 a week but if you can’t afford that you can choose your own suitable investment to a minimum of $30 a week.

See price below for the bonus Investors and entrepreneurs extra. 

Ignite Mastery Program


Ignite Mastery Program

$60 Weekly Subscription Payments

Or Choose your own weekly subscription payment minimum $30 by emailng Paula at [email protected]


Join Now

Business Program

$87 Weekly Subscription Payments

Join Now

If you are thinking 'Oh I can do this on my own' or 'This is too expensive for me' listen to this rational explanation....


Still Not Sure? Try Going On Your Own Without This Assistance And Knowledge - Costly Mistakes, Slow Growth, Missed Opportunities and Heartache. 


IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS - SELECT A TIME TO TALK TO ME BY CLICKING HERE. IF not what are you waiting for - let's get working together

Our programs make you money,

they don't cost you money.

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