John’s Hesitation: A Deeper Look

Jul 03, 2024

Quote: "John’s hesitation and procrastination was more than caution; his subconscious equated investment with peril."

Synopsis: John, a diligent investor, often found himself hesitating and procrastinating, which was more than just caution. His subconscious mind saw investing as a perilous venture, a belief rooted in his upbringing where financial risks were frowned upon. This hidden fear caused him to delay decisions, leading to missed opportunities and a constant state of unease.

Podcast CTA: This insight is from the latest episode of "Notes From The Field," where Perry Mardon delves into real case studies, exploring the hidden subconscious patterns that limit goal achievement in areas like relationships, business, and more. Discover more here.

Session Booking CTA: Perry Mardon, a human profiler, master intuitive, and strategist, can read you on multiple levels almost instantly, uncovering subconscious blocks and providing rapid solutions. Why waste time and money on traditional coaches and psychological professionals? Book a session here.

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