(Case Study) The Relationship Challenger Sabotage

Jul 03, 2024

Case Study: The Relationship Challenger

Scenario: Sarah desires a deeper, more meaningful relationship with her partner. Consciously, she engages in activities and conversations that promote intimacy and connection. However, she repeatedly finds herself picking fights and creating distance.

Subconscious Belief: Sarah grew up in an environment where she felt unloved and unworthy. This led her to develop a deep-seated belief that she is not lovable.

Manifestation of Self-Sabotage:

  1. Finding Fault: Sarah frequently finds minor faults with her partner and blows them out of proportion.

  2. Pushing Away: She creates emotional distance by being overly critical or withdrawn, fearing that if her partner gets too close, he will eventually see her as unlovable.

  3. Testing Boundaries: Sarah unconsciously tests her partner's patience and commitment, leading to unnecessary conflicts.

Key Insight: "Subconscious fear or negativity in relation to a conscious goal will alter your behaviour and therefore your results."

It's important to note that this sabotage will be outside of your awareness; you won't see it happening.

Understanding the Conflict: The subconscious mind is a powerful force that drives your behaviour without you even realising it. Recognising patterns of self-sabotaging behaviours and understanding that these patterns are driven by underlying subconscious beliefs is key. When subconscious fears or negative beliefs conflict with your conscious goals, it leads to self-sabotaging behaviours.

Questions. If you have any questions. Perry will answer them in his podcast. Email [email protected]

This case study came from the latest podcast. For more revealing hidden insights and case studies of subconscious sabotage, listen to Notes from the Field: Revealing Hidden Insights. Explore interesting insights from Perry Mardon's 35 years of working deep within the psyches of clients wanting results in relationships, business, health, wealth, and emotional peace. Get it here.

Perry Mardon, a human profiler, master intuitive and strategist, has a rare ability to read a person's sabotages and potentials within minutes of meeting them. Not the multiple sessions required by coaches, business coaches and psychological professionals. Book a discounted session here before the price reverts. 

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