Case Study 1: The Hesitant Investor

Jun 02, 2024

Scenario: John, an investor, is eager to expand his portfolio with new properties. Consciously, John spends a lot of time researching and attending seminars on real estate investment. However, he never seems to pull the trigger on any deals.

Subconscious Belief: John grew up in a working-class family where financial security was prioritised over taking risks. His parents often mentioned that investing was dangerous and could lead to financial ruin.

Manifestation of Self-Sabotage:

  1. Procrastination: John finds himself delaying decisions, often missing out on good investment opportunities.

  2. Paralysis by Analysis: He over-analyses every potential deal to the point where he is unable to make a decision.

  3. Over-Checking: John repeatedly revisits and questions his analyses and data, never feeling confident enough to proceed.

Key Insight: "Subconscious fear or negativity in relation to a conscious goal will alter your behaviour and therefore your results."

It's important to note that this sabotage will be outside of your awareness; you won't see it happening.

Understanding the Conflict: The subconscious mind is a powerful force that drives your behaviour without you even realising it. Recognising patterns of self-sabotaging behaviours and understanding that these patterns are driven by underlying subconscious beliefs is key. When subconscious fears or negative beliefs conflict with your conscious goals, it leads to self-sabotaging behaviours.

Questions. If you have any questions. Perry will answer them in his podcast. Email [email protected]

This case study came from the latest In the Field podcast. For more revealing hidden insights and case studies of subconscious sabotage, listen to Notes from the Field: Revealing Hidden Insights. Explore interesting insights from Perry Mardon's 35 years of working deep within the psyches of clients wanting results in relationships, business, health, wealth, and emotional peace. 

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