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More Profit, More Free Time, More Fun Creating Wealth.

The Fearless Investors / Entrepreneurs Home Study Program...


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"Warning! “Your present level of thinking, doing and believing can only take you to your present level of wealth”- NO Further...regardless of how ‘smart’ you become at investing or business.
THAT'S A LAW". Perry Mardon


Don't Buy Another Course To You Watch This Video From Perry

Your financial and lifestyle results depend on it.


The 6 inches between your ears is your most important wealth creation asset!

But who showed you how to optimise your brain for better decision making?

Who showed you how to reduce emotions and stress so they don't everide the executive brain functions when making investing / business decisions? 

Who showed you your wealth creation blind spots, or your instinctive natural wealth creation gifts and strengths locked into your DNA - NO ONE!

This course is a necessity if you want to reach the top echelon of investors and entrepreneurs.

The Fearless Investor & Entrepreneurs Home Study Program!

Self mastery for high performance investing and entrepreneurship.

FREE Beta test access for a short time - The Fearless Investor / Entrepreneur: Home Study Program

If you're like most investors and entrepreneurs, you dream of earning more, while doing less. 

You are excited about the prospect of having a life you are in control of, with a schedule you create, and living a lifestyle that matters most to you. 

And you aim to generate more revenue, while creating a lifestyle where you never have to worry about money, or where it's coming from, ever again.

But the sad truth is, while it sounds simple, it's not that easy.

We live in a culture that tells us the only way to achieve anything is to put your head down and get MORE KNOWLEDGE. 

All Investors and entrepreneurs go through very time-intensive training to master all the statistical "external" aspects of successful investing and business building, such as maths, budgeting, strategy, risk analysis, area projections and statistics! Yet despite all this 'intellectual development' most investors and business owners are not where they want to be. 

Focusing only on "external" building blocks isn't the entire answer to your problems. In fact, it will only deliver a paltry, unsatisfying level of success, at best…without attending to something equally as important.   

All the external investment/business knowledge and strategies in the world won't make you hundreds of thousands of dollars if your internal foundation is cracked. 

Case in point: Every investor/entrepreneur has experienced the psychological disturbance of fear or stress (or excitement). Logical decision- making processes are easily hijacked by belief biases, emotions, moods and behavioural tendencies and habits.  

The Fearless Investor & Entrepreneur - Make The RIGHT Decision Every Time, With Confidence, teaches you how to master the psychological disturbances that can hijack even the most knowledgeable business owner or investor. 

The Fearless Investor & Entrepreneur series shines the light on a little-discussed. Still, crucial topic - sabotaging investment/business thinking, unproductive habits and emotions, helping you replace them with the highest revenue-generating behaviours and actions possible. 

What would happen if you could pinpoint and invest 100% more of your best thinking, best gifts and highest revenue-generating behaviours into your business/investing?

Your business and investing success should not be left to chance. Don't let your mind's games sabotage your wealth creation - get access to the Fearless Investor & Entrepreneurs course today.


The Fearless Investors / Entrepreneurs Home Study Program shines the light on a little discussed but highly important topic - sabotaging investment / business thinking, unproductive habits and emotions, helping you replace them with the highest revenue-generating investment / business behaviours and actions possible.

How The Program Works

# The program is delivered on our members only training platform
# 6 lessons. Do at your own pace.
# Time requirement. Each module is from 15 min to an hour. 


MEET Perry Mardon

You will not get this information anywhere else! Perry is uniquely qualified to train you in this rare teaching.

Perry Mardon is the most experienced researcher of human behavior in relation to wealth creation you will ever meet. He has personally psychologically profiled, with his rare people reading abilities, over 5000 entrepreneurs and investors over a 30 year period to determine what beliefs, behaviours and characteristics cause them to excel or fail (or experience mediocrity)  

Perry has trained for 37 years in the taoist fighting, mental and physical strength, meditation and healing disciplines and had developed the ability to 1. Control, quieten and center his mind under any challenge 2. Drop logic and access states of consciousness that provide him accurate intuitive information and solutions far faster than logic.

Perry has helped over 65 business owners build profitable business that run without their input and hundreds of investors and developers reap exceptional rewards.


"My client's didn't get the following results without working on their minds FIRST!"

Perry has wizard like gifts with investors and business owners that provide you, in this course, with profit changing information you won't get anywhere else or anyone else.

Perry has profiled the personality characteristics of over 5000 entrepreneur and investors - using his wizard like people gifts many find hard to believe. Check out what Chad has said below.


Learn how emotions harm investing / business returns (including the so-called positive emotions). Discover how these emotions hijack the brain and override quality, rational investment / business decisions. Learn all about emotional regulation and management for improved investment results.

Discover how your conscious and subconscious beliefs shape your investing / business decisions. Learn about the importance of surfacing unconscious beliefs, so they don't control your investment / business decisions outside of your awareness. Discover how your family or origin, culture and religious 'money stories' accelerate or sabotage successful investment / business returns.

Deepen your awareness of what drives your decision making as an investor / business person. Meet the parts of the personality, called sub-personalities, that make your investment / business decisions. Discover their beliefs, values and emotions. Work out what sub-personalities need to be supported and strengthened to make more profitable investment / business decisions and what sub-personalities you need to manage when making investment / business decisions.

Over the past 28 years, Perry Mardon and Georgina Comar have conducted extensive research on how stress impacts investing and business behaviour and affect investor / business performance. Evaluate your areas of strengths and weaknesses as an investor / business owner by analyzing the four sub-personality styles. It will help guide you in your quest to improve your performance as an investor, business person or trader.

Most investors and business owners will struggle to be super profitable because they lack self-awareness skills - in short, they invest / act / behave unconsciously - controlled by beliefs, biases, and emotional forces that can't even see or feel. Avoidance strategies - procrastination, busy work, losing focus, giving up on goals are all symptoms of being an unconscious investor or business owner. In this module, we focus on what not to do as an investor / business owners to prepare for the last module - where we focus on what to do.

In this module, we teach the foundations of change by showing you how to hold tension towards your financial goals while developing observing awareness to surface and transform sub-personalities, beliefs and emotional disturbances to successful investing. In this module, we tie it all together to help you create the necessary attributes to become a Fearless Investor / business owner who can make the RIGHT investing decisions every time, with confidence.'

"These are the exact principals and the same wealth psychology that I used to build 3 successful businesses that run without my input and live a life I love!"

Perry Mardon
Founder & CEO of Mardon International, TEDx Speaker and Renowned Human Behaviour Expert

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